Core Team

Eva Lopa

Gender Talk 211 Program Lead

Eva Lopa is a Radio/Media Personality and Content. She curates South Sudan with Eva, a travel and lifestyle series exploring South Sudan's beauty, culture, and people.

Agau Bul

Feminist Community Coordinator

Agau is pursuing a Justice and Peace Studies degree at the Catholic University in Juba, South Sudan.

Ajak Ibrahim Kuel


Ajak (she/her/hers) is a post-colonial Afro-Feminist who focuses on pre-colonial sexualities and genders, the queer liberation movement, and the role of women within peace and conflict.

Paula Itoo


Paula holds a bachelor’s degree in Communications focusing on Broadcast Journalism and Public Relations and a master’s degree in International Relations and Global Communications.

Jacky Aparo

Programs Coordinator/Team Lead

Jacky is Ma’ Mara Sakit Village’s Team Lead with a Bachelor's degree in Justice and Peace Studies.

Charity Naji

Digital Communications Coordinator

Charity is a Content Creator and an Executive Producer for a podcast.

Nyarow Agar


Nyarow Malik Agar is a Project Development Officer focusing on enterprise and economic development projects.

Akeer Gai

Admin and Finance Assistant

Akeer is a Finance and Admin Assistant with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration.

Teresa Otto


Teresa Otto is a full-time bead-maker with nine years of experience. She has been working with Ma’ Mara Sakit Village since 2020 under the Suk-Sukna project as one of the lead bead-makers.

Angelina Agoth

Suk-Sukna Project Coordinator

Angelina has over 28 years of experience in beadwork. She started beadmaking when she was a young girl in 1994.

Jane Patrick


Jane is a student and young girl from Lopa/Lafon County, Eastern Equatoria State, who is interested in learning different South Sudanese beads.

Yar Kuch


Yar Kuch is a 3rd-year student at Doctor John Garang University in Bor, Jonglei State studying for a bachelor’s degree in Banking and Finance.

Mary William


Mary is a high school graduate awaiting to enroll in the university. She dreams of becoming a doctor and working in South Sudan because she likes helping people.

Nyariak Thuak


Nyariak is a mother of four from Malakal, Upper Nile State. She has been making beads since she was a young girl, over 20 years ago.

Martha Nyakong


Nyakong is a mother of five from Nasir, Upper Nile State. She has over nine years of experience making beads.

Yayo Arzen


Yayo is a young girl from Pibor, Jonglei State. She learned to make the Otuho and Jieng corset during the Suk-Sukna training in 2022.

Cecilia Samuel

Part-Time Bead-Maker

Cecilia is a farmer, a bead-maker with 12 years of experience, and one of the part-time Otuho beaded corset support trainers for the Suk-Sukna project.

Mary Aluel

Part-Time Bead-Maker

Aluel has over 20 years of bead-making experience. She supports Suk-Sukna project part-time as a trainer of the Jieng beaded corset.

Elizabeth Nyakong


Nyakong has over 20 years of experience making different kinds of beads and continues learning.

Nyipul Gilo


Nyipul has been making different kinds of beads since 1994, when she acquired the skills.

Mary Okech


Okech has over 30 years of experience making different kinds of beads.

Mary Okech


Okech has over 30 years of experience making different kinds of beads.